Lazar Spinal Care, P.C. Blog

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The Menacing Effects of Meniere’s Disease and Where to Get Relief

Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear known for episodes of a spinning sensation (vertigo), a ringing, roaring, or buzzing noise in the ears (tinnitus), a feeling of congestion or fullness in the affected ear, and hearing loss that may become permanent if not cared [...]

A Deeper Look at Fibromyalgia and Where to Find Relief

Fibromyalgia (FM) ranks second in the list of most common musculoskeletal conditions, coming in after osteoarthritis. If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or even have suspicions that you may have fibromyalgia, it can be quite frightening. There is little information [...]

How to Get Sciatica Relief – in Ann Arbor, MI

Sciatica is not easy to cope with and is unable to be ignored. The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back and travels through the buttocks, branching off into each leg. Sciatica is known for pain, tingling, and burning along the pathway of the nerve, and it often gets worse [...]

Neck Pain: Understanding It Better and Caring for It Properly

Neck pain varies greatly from mild and annoying to excruciating and painfully limiting movement. Some neck pain dissipates after a day or two with the help of pain patches of which you can find reviews on GSHS, while others experience neck pain on a regular basis. Using a hot [...]

Three Common Reasons for Vertigo and One Simple Solution

Vertigo is described as a spinning sensation of either the person or the things around him. Vertigo can be caused by trauma to the head or neck. Let’s take a closer look at three conditions that have vertigo as one of their major symptoms and then discuss where to find the [...]

Lazar Spinal Care Takes Unique Approach to Fibromyalgia Care

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is on the rise. It is characterized by widespread body aches and pains, extreme fatigue, poor sleep, and mental cloudiness. It is most common among women who are young to middle-aged, though it can certainly occur in men and children.

Migraines and Sleep – An Important Relationship

Migraines can really sap a person’s energy. Even for a person without them, if you’ve had a busy, exhausting day, you may often feel that you can’t wait to crawl into your comfy bed and go to sleep. Most people recognize that sleep is vital to the proper function of the human [...]

An Uncommon Approach Gives Promise to Back Pain Sufferers

Back pain is an extremely common condition that doesn't discriminate. It affects both men and women as well as those who sit a lot for work and those who work on their feet. It can affect young and old alike. Of course, the best-case scenario is preventing back pain from [...]

Fibromyalgia and Central Sensitization

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain and tenderness along with extreme fatigue and sleep issues. It is 7 times more common among women and typically occurs in younger to middle-aged women. When you are dealing with a chronic pain condition, it can [...]

Understanding the Role of the Spine in Vertigo

Vertigo is a relatively common condition that leaves the affected person feeling as if the world is spinning around them. It is estimated that as many as 69 million Americans have experienced some form of vestibular condition that's associated with vertigo. This can have an [...]

Chris’ Story

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Kelly’s Story – Migraines and Chiari I Formation

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Mary’s Story – No More Migraines

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Philippines Clinic Day 1

We were in Pacig City today. It was our first of six clinics. I started a little slow for the first 30 minutes because people didn’t realize they could go to multiple stations (medical, dental, chiropractic, and pharmacy). When the realized they could, I saw over 80 people. I [...]

Philippines Tip: Sunday

We arrived in Manila last night at 11pm local time. We woke up this morning, went to church, and then had lunch together. After lunch, we took two local trains to a merchant area and then to The Church of the Black Nazarene. It was terribly sad to see the idol worship, [...]

BPA: What’s all the fuss about?

Bisphenol A, or BPA is an estrogenic (estrogen producing) compound found in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Things that are clear plastic typically will be made of these polycarbonates and contain BPA. Examples include baby bottles (until recent regulations in some [...]

Hello Again!

Wow, is it really August already? Where has the time gone? Is anyone else in denial?

Resolution of Vertigo, Migraines and Neck Pain

Resolution of Vertigo, Migraines and Neck Pain in a 12 Year Old Boy Receiving Chiropractic Care – A Case Study Abstract Objective: This article describes and discusses changes in vertigo, migraine and neck pain symptoms in a 12 year old boy receiving chiropractic care.

Resolution of Nocturnal Enuresis and Vertebral Subluxation

Resolution of Nocturnal Enuresis and Vertebral Subluxation in a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Care: A Case Study & Review of the Literature Joel Alcantara, BSc, D.C. John E. Weisberg, D.C., FICPA

It’s OK

Why do we make such a big deal about stuff? Questions crowd our minds and squelch any clarity and solitude we have. Open it up, clean it out, de-clutter.